Hi, I'm Alper Cinar. I am a software engineer specialized in data visualization & compression.
Contact: alper3017@gmail.com

Cell tower visualization
An interactive map that displays 40 million cell towers of the world. This visualization has a unique approach that aggregates the cell types and locations on the client browser.
Terrain Generation with GAN
A research paper that I have presented on ISAG 2019. In this research I evaluated using an image-to-image translation method pix2pix for DSM to DTM conversions.
Visualization of elevation data in both RGB and Monochrome style. Source for this dataset is Earth on AWS
Mandala Maker
HTML5 Canvas based mandala art creation tool. This tool procedurally generates mandala art and allows you to download it as png.
An experimental CLI tool for writing web applications with web components syntax. This tool aims for minimal js output and simplicity.
Histogram Viewer
A web application to see histogram of an image for RGB, CMYK and HSL color spaces
game of life
Game of life
Game of life implementation with react.js & html5 canvas
Lidar Rasterization
This work is done for a client that captures point cloud data with high-resolution Ground LiDAR Scanners to generate building footprint data. But due to the high density of points, most point cloud software can't handle (120 million in this particaular example) this amount of data. With the rasterization process that I wrote, client can easily draw building footprints on top of these 2d projections with cm precision.
Distraction-free drawing web-app specifically designed for drawing pads. I built this out of frustration from slowness and latency of popular drawing software. This is a very basic drawing implementation done with html5 canvas. Supports multi color, history and save/load.
Color Level Adjuster
A javascript library that stretches the color distribution of an image if the colors of the image are gathered in a narrow area in the color space.